Vintage British Colonial Style Faux Bamboo and Grasscloth Stand
H: 24 W: 20 D: 20
$ 1850
Mid Century Pair of Anglo Indian Campaign Stands
H: 23.5 W: 24 D: 24
$ 4950
Mid Century Pair of Campaign Style Stands or Tables
H: 20 W: 22 D: 22
$ 3750
Vintage Faux Bamboo Stand with Magazine Rack by Maitland-Smith
H: 29 W: 20 D: 15.5
$ 2600
Pair of British Colonial Style Faux Bamboo and Grasscloth Two Tiered Stands
H: 32 W: 32 D: 16
$ 4600
Pair of Mid Century Brass Chests on Stands by Mastercraft
H: 33.5 W: 33 D: 17
Pair of Vintage Anglo Indian Rattan Stands with Magazine Racks
H: 24 W: 22 D: 14.5
$ 3200
Antique English Pair of Neoclassic Stands or Tables with Inlaid Chinoiserie
H: 28 W: 25 D: 18
$ 5800
Pair of Mid Century Glazed Earthenware Stands or Tables
H: 18 DM: 15
$ 2300
Pair of Mid Century British Colonial Style Faux Zebra Boxes on Stands
H: 19.5 W: 21 D: 13
$ 5950
Pair of Antique English Campaign Stands
H: 23.5 W: 22 D: 16
$ 5800
Moorish Style Woven Reed Stands or Tables from the F S Flores Collection
H: 25.5 DM: 22
$ 2800 Each
Blue and White Porcelain Mosaic Vintage Chest of Drawers
H: 36 W: 24 D: 19
$ 7900
Pair of Danish Mid Century Modern Rosewood Chests or Stands
H: 23.5 W: 18 D: 12
Pair of Vintage Faux Bamboo British Colonial Style Stands
H: 24.5 W: 24 D: 17
Pair of Faux Bamboo Faux Tortoise Stands or Tables
H: 22 W: 26 D: 21.5
$ 3950
Antique Pair of French Louis XV Style Inlaid Stands
H: 27.5 W: 16 D: 12
$ 8900
Antique Pair of Anglo Indian Inlaid Stands
H: 19 DM: 18
$ 4950
Vintage Faux Bamboo and Grasscloth Two Tiered Table
H: 29 W: 32 D: 32
$ 3950
Antique Carved Anglo Indian Stand or Table
H: 30 W: 24 D: 24
$ 2950
Maitland-Smith Faux Bamboo British Colonial Style Leather Top Occasional Table
H: 25 DM: 22
$ 2400
Antique English Burnt Bamboo and Lacquer Stand or Table
H: 28.5 W: 23 D: 23
$ 2850
Antique English Three Tiered Burnt Bamboo Stand
H: 34.5 W: 11 D: 11
$ 2650
Pair of Seashell Encrusted Parsons Style Mirror Top Stands or Tables
H: 26 W: 18.5 D: 18.5
$ 2250
Pair of Vintage Italian Chinoiserie and Faux Bamboo Serving Carts
H:30.5 W: 28.5 D: 19.5
$ 5200
Pair of Mid Century Wicker Elephant Stands
H: 19.5 W: 19.5 D: 9.5
$ 2950
Mid Century Regency Style Faux Tortoise Three Tiered Stand
H: 36.5 W: 20 D: 15.5
$ 2950
Pair of Vintage British Colonial Caned Stands by Baker
H: 28 W: 30 D: 30
$ 5350
Pair of Vintage Inlaid Moroccan Stands or Tables
H: 16.5 W: 14.5 D: 12
$ 2450
Pair of Vintage Inlaid Moroccan Stands or Tables
H: 20 W: 17.5 D: 15
$ 2950
Pair of 19th Century Hepplewhite Stands or Tables
H: 29.5 W: 18 D: 16
Pair of Mid Century Italian Terra Cotta Elephant Stands
H: 17.5 W: 23 D: 11
$ 4950
British Colonial Style Three Tiered Caned Stand or Table
H: 28.5 W: 21 D: 28
$ 3950
Vintage French Iron Stand with Armillary Sphere
H: 20.5 DM: 14.5
$ 3650
Pair of Vintage Anglo Indian Inlaid Stands
H: 19 DM: 17.5
Pair of Vintage Fruitwood Campaign Style Stands by Baker
H: 22 W: 22 D: 19
$ 4900
Antique Pair of Louis XVI Style Marble Top Stands
H: 31 W: 24 D: 11.5
$ 5900
Pair of Antique English Mahogany Campaign Stands
H: 24 W: 17.5 D: 12
$ 5800
Pair of Vintage British Colonial Style Bamboo and Grasscloth Stands or Tables
H: 28 W: 26 D: 20
$ 5950
Pair of Antique English Library Steps or Stands
H: 23.5 W: 24 D: 28
$ 5900
Pair of Vintage Moroccan Stands or Tables
H: 29 W: 16 D: 16 
$ 7900
Pair of Moroccan Mother of Pearl Stands
H: 23.5 W: 16.5 D: 16.5
$ 5950
Pair of Vintage Moroccan Painted Stands or Cabinets
H: 27 W: 17 D: 12
$ 5800
Pair of Antique Moroccan Mahogany Inlaid Stands or Tables
H: 20.5 W: 20 D: 20
$ 7600
Pair of Mid Century Silver Leaf Two Tiered Stands or Tables
H: 27.5 W: 31 D: 31
Vintage Pair of Campaign Style Rosewood Stands
H: 23.5 W: 24.5 D: 16
$ 5200
Antique Moroccan Painted Tile Top Stand or Table
H: 24 W: 27 D: 27
$ 4500
Pair of Antique English Library Step Stands
H: 27 W: 20 D: 29
$ 5950
Moroccan Mother of Pearl Stand
H: 19.5 W: 15 D: 15
$ 3650
Antique Moroccan Hexagon Leather Stand
H: 27.5 W: 14 D: 14
$ 4400
Antique English Bamboo and Lacquer Stand or Table
H: 28.5 W: 19.5 D: 19.5
$ 2950