Impressive white coral assemblage using an exceptionally large table coral specimen with its sea inspired color and textures. Presented on a lucite base to enhance the sculptural elements. Be sure to follow us on Instagram @fshenemaderantiques Solomon Islands Contemporary H: … Continue reading
Tall chic tube shell sculpture designed and executed by F. S. Henemader with a dramatic form and striking bleached white color. Presented on a lucite base to enhance the sculptural elements. Be sure to follow us on Instagram @fshenemaderantiques Solomon … Continue reading
Authentic branch coral specimen with its clean bleached white color and organic textural form. Presented on a custom coquina stand. Be sure to follow us on Instagram @fshenemaderantiques Solomon Islands Circa 2000 H: 14 W: 9 D: 8 Ref: D99
Octopus coral forms in strange varieties of shapes, with structures ranging from tight delicate clusters of tentacles to a more thick substantial tree like growth. Extremely sculptural in form, these centerpieces are a great scale for bookcases, consoles, credenzas or … Continue reading
The merulina coral is truly the flower of the sea, with concentric coral petals wrapping one around the other. This is a take on one of mother natures finest moments. Real and natural white merulina coral, designed, hand cut and … Continue reading
Fire coral centerpiece mounted on coquina stone base. Height: 13, Width: 13, Depth: 7 Ref: A-7
A white cup coral centerpiece, hand cut pieces of cup coral, carefully selected and arranged to create this beautiful centerpiece. Designed and made by us. Height: 11.5, Width: 18, Depth: 18 Base 12 x 12 Ref: B106
Octopus Coral on coquina stone. Perfect for shelves, or on a small table. Designed and made by us. From Left to Right: Ref: B71 – $850.00 Height: 14 , Width: 9, Depth: 5, Base 7 x 7 Ref: B65 – $1,250.00 Height: 12, … Continue reading
An extravagant centerpiece made of merulina coral mounted on feet. Executed and designed by us. A beautiful addition to place on your dining table, or console. Height: 7.5, Width: 24, Depth: 20 Ref: A-457
Merulina coral placed together in a twirling design to make a “propeller” centerpiece, mounted on coquina stone. Height:13, Diameter: 15, Base 15 x 15 Ref: A-453
Bowl coral mounted on blue coral, with a coquina stone base. Height:11.5 ,Width:12, Depth:8.5, Base:7 x 9 Ref: A-179
Merulina coral placed together in a twirly design to make a wondrous centerpiece, placed on coquina stone. Height:16, Width:16, Depth:13 Ref: A-454