Artichokes like Comets
Glass Flamingos Under the Florida Sun
Flamingos in the Florida summer,
Swim around while the heat surrounds
Them. The sun glares in the water,
While they move smoothly.
Flamingos in the incandescent Florida
Heat, moving around rhythmically,
While the world around them seems
To almost melt.
Flamingos, with different sizes and
Shades, swim around, while Florida
Gets hotter and hotter, and the water’s
Light becomes blinding.
Their bodies shine, as if they were
Made out of glass. Glass flamingos
Swim, and dance, and play,
And sing. How they sing!
Glass flamingos under the Florida
Sun, swimming in front of us
But the sun is too strong, and our eyes
Close, and we can’t see them anymore.
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