The General’s Boots
The General has lost his boots.
He awoke, and they were not there, and
Life has not been the same since. His
Boots are missing, and the future is uncertain.
The General cannot understand, what could
Have happened? They were there last night,
And they are gone now. He moves his arms
In disbelief, who could do such a thing?
The General woke up at eight in the morning,
He had had a dreamless night, and
The room was hot and it felt like
Summer. He enjoyed the heat.
It was almost nine now, and he still
Couldn’t find the boots. It felt like
Autumn, and he became sad knowing
Perhaps it was the autumn of life.
If I still ruled this nation, he thought,
The boots would never have been gone.
But those times have passed, and
No one cares about an old General’s boots.
The General looks around the room,
And it seems emptier than ever before.
The boots are missing, probably forever.
The General lays down, and cries.
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