Artichokes like Comets
Brass Palm Trees
The sun has fallen down, in Florida,
And the palm trees, once brown and
Green, are now covered with the sun’s
Light, gliding tall in the grass.
The sun has melted down – it’s summer-
And the leaves look now like long golden
Coins, but they still move with the wind,
And they’re still light.
The palm trees are now made out of brass,
Tall, blonde, and bright palm trees
In the Florida heat. Brass palm trees
Glowing in the green landscape.
Even the coconuts have turned like the sun.
And they hang high, like luminescent bulbs,
And threaten with falling down, an exploding
Like fire spheres.
The sun has fallen down, in Florida,
The sun has melted down, and the
Brass palm trees around us glow another
Day, while we enjoy their new light.
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