Mother’s Flower
Mom once said she knew where the most beautiful flower was, and she would give it to me one day. She was not lying, as I know now, and she gave me the flower she had promised. You will go get it for me, she said with her melancholic voice of a concerned mother, one day you would go get it and you will see it, and I’ll see it again through your eyes.
I was only a little girl back then, and followed my mother everywhere, and believed in everything she said. No matter what it was, she had the correct answer for everything, and knew everything, and most importantly, she new everything about me. She knew I loved flowers; she knew I dreamed about colorful, vibrant flowers, and she knew I believed in her. She told me stories about the magnificent flowers she had collected when she was a young girl, and also said I had inherited her love for flowers. I listened to her stories and dreamed of the flowers she had once had.
When the moment came for her to leave me I was still young, and in the middle of sadness, knowing she was sick and was going to leave me soon, she told me where her flower was. You must go to my hometown one day, she whispered on her death bed, you’ll find it there. My friends will help you, they will recognize you, they’ll recognize my smile in yours.
So, when the time came and I was older, I went on my way to my mother’s hometown. It wasn’t easy to get there, I had to cross mountains, and rivers, and as the trip didn’t seem to end my energy would seem to almost run out. But the idea of finding my mother’s flower gave me strength, it made me continue, and at times it wasn’t just the flower, but also the promise to my mother. I was going to find her flower, and she would see it through my eyes.
When I finally reached her hometown people seemed to recognize me, I couldn’t believe it, it was just as she had told me, they recognized her smile in mine. Her childhood friends, the ones that were still there, took me to her old house, and as soon as I walked in I saw it there. It was the most beautiful flower I had ever seen, the red and yellow pedals opened up like a spring smile, and the center of the flower was the most exotic and vibrant I had ever seen. My mother had come through one last time, and she was seeing her flower through my eyes and I was seeing her one last time through the flower.
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