Artichokes like Comets
Our Chairs Await Us
When we come home, older, tired, quiet,
They wait for us with open arms.
Their feathers spread out in a warm hug,
Waiting for you and I to sit down.
When we bring stories from our daily
Lives, when we see each other and smile.
They wait to hear our voice in the night,
Before you fall asleep and I start to dream.
They are always in the same place, as if
They know, we will come back.
Come back to each other, come back
To our one place for us.
We see them, and share a smile, we know
They are there, as we always come back.
To sit together, and hear each other,
Just like the day before, and day after.
If I ever take too long, just sit and rest
Your head in the chair’s back.
They’ll remind you I’m coming back
Again and again, one last time.
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