Artichokes like Comets
Passed Warm Christmas
If I could pick a present, for the upcoming
Holiday season, only one would come
To mind. That is to experienced once more
The excitement Christmas once brought.
If I could move to a land, any land I choose,
That would be the land of childhood,
And of years passed. Where illusions were
As tangible, as a kid’s laugh.
I would choose a warm Christmas, where
Sand pretends to be snow, and as when
I was a child, I would collect shells,
And wrap them as precious gifts.
The holidays always find a way, to bring
Us back to those years, of simple things,
And simple laughs, years that left
And don’t come back.
But if I could pick one gift, only one,
That would be it, to go back
To the years when dreams flew around,
And laughs seemed to forever last.
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